A couple weeks back and shared a little bit about my enormous collection of Trucker Hats- 30 plus and growing.
Every single one means something to me and every single one tells a story that shares a little bit of who I am and what’s important. I think sharing like this is crucial in business. We all want to know who we’re doing business with and we all really want to connect with others. This is MY way of doing that with you.

This time the trucker hat is from the Semper Fi Project. The Semper Fi Project was started a little while back by my good friend and brother from another mother, Omar Fuentes. Omar and I met years ago at a membership club in Tampa called the Centre Club. We both had tattoos, we were both loud and gregarious, and we hit it off right away. We formed a fast friendship that has only gotten stronger. We did have a little time when we didn’t see each other as much but we still made sure to check in and keep an eye out via social media or text. Fast forward a couple years and Omar started posting a LOT on social again. I saw this new man who had a passion for serving his fellow veterans. On top of that, he seemed to have transformed himself as well. I was inspired. Omar had created the Semper Fi Project and began talking to and helping veterans all over the US. Additionally, he had looked at his life and changed the things he didn’t like about it. He started working out with a vengeance, making time for family and faith, and sharing his observations with anyone he could. I was hooked. I reached out or he did. It doesn’t matter who did really but we started talking more again. We collaborated on a few things and next thing I knew, I was working out harder than ever and more of a sense of purpose by following his discipline of consistency.

He may not realize the impact he had on me but it was deep. I will always be a fan of this man and the way he goes through life. AND I know I will always have a cheerleader in him and a lifelong supporter. This hat will forever remind me of Omar, his mission, and being a better human to not only others but also to myself.

Today, Omar is making another dream come true. His passion for serving others has manifested in his own company, Accelerated Benefit Solutions. Omar launched ABS to help families protect their most important assets; health, income, and their family’s financial future.

Omar continues to be an inspiration to me and someone with whom I will always think of as a brother, friend, and motivator.

And that is this week’s Trucker Hat Story.