In the last few years, I realize I have “let” several people back into my life. While on the surface that may not sound like anything worthy of sharing, they were people who hurt me and significantly impacted my life.
Why am I writing about it here? Because forgiveness is a wonderful thing. Forgiveness has given me space. Space to use for other more positive thoughts, time or nothing at all. And that has been a really great thing for me on this path of growth and development.
Do you know how heavy it feels to carry hate around with you for a long time? Maybe, hate is too strong of a word. How about blame, anger, judgment?
It’s heavy. I know because I did it for a very long time. Not worth it. It’s unproductive and it wore me down. There are a lot more things I’d rather do with that energy.
After significant research and analysis, I have developed a three-step system for forgiveness.
- Identify that person you’re mad at.
- Forgive them.
- Move on and have an amazing life.
See? No tricks, no prep, no special training. You can start right now.
Do it. Let me know how much lighter you feel.
It’s like magic, yes? SMALL MAGIC.