we are junkies

so here’s my theory on the economic crisis…first, i’m extremely aggravated by the whole thing and i am the first to say that’s naive on my part but this is my venue to say what i want, right? we have been junkies….the american way of revenue and who ends up with the...

are you kidding me?

on my way home from work i usually listen to “all things considered”…it’s calm, the speakers speak very evenly and smooth and i like it because it doesn’t get me worked up…most of the time…tonight, i was listening and beginning my wind down from the day’s events and i...

only four more days

i was sitting on my couch, minding my own business, watching something brain numbing on t.v. halloween night, only getting up every few minutes or so to pass out sugar to the kiddies shouting “trick or treat”. as luck would have it, my trips back to the couch...