reality tv for christians?

i’ll admit it…i watched a lot of reality tv lately and it all has the same basic formula. you have 10 strangers…a diverse group usually, men, women, gays, all ethnicities…anyway, they all have a common interest or talent and it dawned on me. what about a reality tv...

God does NOT hate fags

Hey Fred…FYI…God does NOT hate fags. As a matter of fact, God MADE fags. Even better, God LOVES fags and anybody else who might be your neighbor…even Baptists from Westboro Church. To borrow a phrase recently made popular by an ex-witch…I am you. Yes Fred, I am you....

God and the Lexus?

so i was talking to a friend of mine the other day and she was telling me how she was having difficulty these days. she is very religious and i seem to be leaning toward spiritual so the conversation turned to God. she said that she wanted to just leave it all in...

who wins in a fair fight…karma or wwjd?

so recently, several situations have appeared in my life including big and small (the bp oil spill being a big issue and getting dissed by a friend being a smaller, as far as the universe is concerned, issue). i was going to discuss the merits of retribution and...

sorry God

i’ve been thinking that maybe  i’ve been a little hard on God. i’ve been telling Him how unhappy i am with Him and maybe i am not getting the big picture. He seems to giving me just enough to keep me going which incidentally reminds me of a few of my...

the convenient Christian and other observations…

warning: this post contains bitter rantings…please proceed with caution as you are entering at your own risk… i have dubbed myself the convenient Christian…you could also call me the lazy Christian, the part time Christian or even the Christian who only attends church...