warning: this post contains bitter rantings…please proceed with caution as you are entering at your own risk…

i have dubbed myself the convenient Christian…you could also call me the lazy Christian, the part time Christian or even the Christian who only attends church on the Sundays she is playing in the band. i personally find this pretty crappy of myself and would love to resolve this….it goes right along with my diet actions as well…convenient, lazy, part time…those (Christianity & diet) are the two areas of my life that are heavy on my mind right now AND isn’t it funny that i can lump them both in the same category? what does that say about my faith that i give it the same importance as my weight…one word: wow…what am i doing? about weight: i started running again…nothing mind shattering but it’s a start. Christianity: i have no clue…read a book “Blue Like Jazz”, by Donald Miller…i blame you Donald for opening up this can of worms about my faith…anyway, really just wanted to say it out loud so that can’t hide from it anymore…thanks for listening, er, reading….another observation i see when rereading my post is that it sounds like i just want to scratch things off my to do list….like my faith should be just an item on my to do list like pick up the dry cleaning, go to the grocery store and mow the lawn…i warned you….hahahaha