Lisa’s Blog

a third party?

i think i’m a demopublican…maybe, i’m a republicrat….i don’t know which one it is but why do we even have to have parties. maybe i’m naive but i think having parties promotes this separatism in our governement. i’m not so naive to think we wouldn’t have sides but i...

uh oh

i did it…i let the world in..why? i think i was a little bored and the world might liven things up a bit. i’m thinking it’ll go a little something like this… me: hi world! c’mon in! world: is there a cover? me: not at all…free admission! world: where will we all...

i’m tired and passionate

scratch that…i’m VERY, VERY tired and passionate. can’t i just be passionate from the couch? that works so much better for me right now. i get excited when i get passionate which really wears me out…hence, i am tired… it’s a vicious circle, this passion...

who else is ticked?

i am SO tired of people bellyaching about everything under the sun. you (and you know who you are) are energy vampires who suck the life blood out of me everytime i have to listen to your b.s.! the so-called non partisan crew we have in power right now is number...

sorry God

i’ve been thinking that maybe  i’ve been a little hard on God. i’ve been telling Him how unhappy i am with Him and maybe i am not getting the big picture. He seems to giving me just enough to keep me going which incidentally reminds me of a few of my...

argument tip #3

yet another tip from my series on arguments… this one i experienced this past weekend…never get up from a heated discussion and start slamming inanimate objects around. it merely serves as fuel for the fire and does nothing but make your situation 100 times hotter...

uncle! or God

ok…so today has been one of those days for me….business this week has been nearly nonexistent, my wife and roommate got into an argument this morning which is no fun for the rest of the house, i had a board meeting that lasted 8 hours and felt like a battle AND my...

argument tip #2

thank you for rejoining the series on arguments… tip #2 i have found sarcasm to be invaluable in an argumentative setting particularly when the goal is to drive your co-arguer into a blind rage…one so explosive as to have a blood vessel burst. for you novices out...


just exactly when did i become so sensitive? or at least sensitive to other people’s sensitivities? ok…yes, i am italian AND i am the first born AND as you know…we are fixers…but for crying out loud, enough is enough already.. me: are you ok? you: yes me: you...

argument tip #1

i have decided to share my vast knowledge of  argument management and any tips i have picked up along the way…periodically, i will be giving you some useful hints with regard to arguments, how to have one or avoid one, what to say to escalate a situation and what...

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